Leibniz Institute for Agricultural Development in Transition Economies (IAMO)
Phone: +49 345 2928 225
Email: hockmann@iamo.de
Prof. Heinrich Hockmann is deputy head of the department „Agricultural Markets, Agricultural Marketing and World Agricultural Trade” at the Leibniz Institute of Agricultural Development in Transition Economies (IAMO). At the same time he is extra- ordinary professor at the Martin Luther University Halle Wittenberg (MLU). His research interest comprises productivity and efficiency analyses, the analysis of market failures, price transmission analysis and sources of competitiveness.
Institute of Agricultural Economics, Romania
Phone: +40722398119
Email: dmvoici@yahoo.com; dan.voicilas@cdep.ro
Dan Marius Voicilas (PhD) is senior researcher in the Institute of Agricultural Economics, Romania, Associate Professor at Hyperion University in Bucharest and advisor to the Romanian Parliament. His main research areas are rural and regional development, EU integration and enlargement process, and investments in the agri-food sector.
Wageningen University, the Netherlands
Phone: +31 (0) 317-482049
Email: liesbeth.dries@wur.nl
Liesbeth Dries holds a PhD in Economics from the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Belgium), where she also worked as an assistant professor in agriculture and food policies. She held a position of lecturer in agribusiness at Lincoln University (New Zealand) and is currently employed as assistant professor in institutional economics at Wageningen University (The Netherlands). Dr. Dries has extensive expertise in the analysis of EU agri-food supply chains, especially in the New Member States. As an expert, she acted on several occasions as a consultant for international organizations such as the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the World Bank. Furthermore, she was a consultant for the International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED) in the ‘Regoverning Markets’ project, analyzing the restructuring of agri-food chains in Central and Eastern Europe. She was also invited by the European Commission DG JRC as a consultant to study ‘food quality assurance and certification schemes in an integrated supply chain’.
University of Primorska, Faculty of Management Koper (UP) ,Slovenia
Phone: +386 5 610 2046
Email: stefan.bojnec@fm-kp.si
Prof. Dr. Štefan Bojnec is a Full Professor of Economics at the Faculty of Management, University of Primorska, Koper, Slovenia. He has participated in numerous domestic and international research projects, including several EU-ACE projects, EU-COST and EU-7FP projects such as Factor Markets and Transfop. He has been a member of several expert groups, e.g. at the OECD, European Commission, United Nations, World Bank and GTZ/GIZ. He published a number of high quality publications in leading journals. In 2008, he received the Slovenian state recognition in science (“Zoisovo priznanje”) for important contributions in economics.
Czech University of Life Sciences Prague (CULS), Czech Republic
Phone: +420 22438 2052
Email: cechura@pef.czu.cz
Dr. Lukáš Čechura is an Associate Professor at the Czech University of Life Sciences Prague. He specialises in the economics of agricultural and food markets. In his professional work he is focusing on productivity and efficiency analysis and theoretical and empirical modelling of agri-food market functioning and market power in agri-food chains.
University of Milan, Dep. of Economics, Management and Quantitative Methods, DEMM, (UMIL), Italy
Phone: +39 02 50316481
Email: alessandro.olper@unimi.it
Prof. Alessandro Olper is Associated Professor of Agricultural Economics at the University of Milan. His research interests focus on agricultural economics, with particular emphasis on the political economy of agricultural policy, international trade models and the analysis of the Common Agricultural Policy. He has participated in numerous international and national research projects, and has been consultant for international institutions like the World Bank. His current research focuses on the effect of political institutions on public policy, and the relationship between food quality, productivity and international trade. He has several publications in agricultural economics journals as well as economics journals.
University of Newcastle Upon Tyne, Great Britain
Phone: +44 0191 2081576
Email: matthew.gorton@newcastle.ac.uk
Matthew Gorton (PhD) is a reader at Newcastle University Business School. He has worked extensively on the competitiveness of agri-food supply chains in an enlarged Europe. He has participated in several European projects that focus on agriculture, agri-food supply chains and rural development: SCARLED (Structural Change in Agriculture and Rural Livelihoods, FP6); Focus Balkans (Food Choice in the Western Balkans, FP7); and CEESA (Sustainable Agriculture in Central and Eastern Europe, FP5). He is an associate editor of the Journal of Agricultural Economics and a member of the editorial board for Studies in Agricultural Economics and the Journal of Integrative Agriculture.
Faculty of Economics, University of Belgrade, Serbia
Phone: +381-11-3021-222
Email: zaklina@ekof.bg.ac.rs
Žaklina Stojanović (Vice Dean for Curriculum at the Faculty of Economics, University of Belgrade) – has held position of professor of Agricultural economics, Agricultural Policy, Rural Development and Regional Economics in the Department of Economic Policy and Development since 2008. She has been participating in 10 national and 4 international research projects in the field of agricultural and rural economics. She is editor of eight and author of three books and more than 80 articles in agricultural economics, rural development and agricultural finance. She contributed to the definition of the Draft Low on Public Warehouses in Serbia (the project Current State and Modeling of the Public Warehousing System in Serbia, financed by The Republic of Serbia Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water management, 2003-2009). She also participated in the Commodity Exchange Act definition.
Institute of Economics Centre for Economic and Regional Studies (CER-HAS)
Phone :(36-1) 309-2662
Fax: (36-1) 319-3136
Email: ferto.imre@krtk.mta.hu
Imre Fertő is a professor and Head of Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development at the Corvinus University of Budapest. He is a Senior Advisor and Head of the Agricultural Economics and Rural Development Unit at the Institute of Economics of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences in Budapest, where he has been working since 1992. He received his Ph.D. in economics at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences in 1996, Ph.D. in agricultural economics at the University of Newcastle upon Tyne in 2005 and DSc. in economics at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences in 2007. Recently, his research focuses on international trade and price transmission, production efficiency, and vertical coordination along food chains. He published numerous articles in various international journal including World Economy, Journal of Agricultural Economics, Agricultural Economics, Food Economics, Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics, Applied Economics Letters, Empirical Economics Letters, Economics Letters, China Economic Review, Food Policy etc. He has participated in numerous international research projects sponsored by the Commission of the European Union, the World Bank and the bilateral research programme within framework of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. Prof. Imre Fertő is also member of editorial board of various journals including: Industrial Data Management Systems, Agricultural and Food Economics, International Journal of Sustainable Economy, Danube Law and Economics Review, Society and Economy.
University of Warsaw, Faculty of Economic Sciences, Poland
Phone:+48 22 55 49 146
Email: jfalkowski@wne.uw.edu.pl
Jan Fałkowski (PhD) is a researcher at the Faculty of Economic Sciences (Chair of Political Economy), University of Warsaw. Prior to getting his doctoral degree, he was a visiting researcher at the LICOS-Centre for Institutions and Economic Performance. His main interests are new institutional economics and political economy. The main research fields include the role of political institutions, structural change and rural areas.
VOD Jetrichovec, Czech Republic
Phone: + 420 731 440 960
Email: brodsky@vodjetrichovec.cz
Aleš Brodský is Economic Manager at VOD Jetrichovec and he is responsible for finance management of the company (tax, subsidies, accounting, payments etc.).
From the educational background he holds a diploma in the Agrarian Diplomacy and a bachelor diploma in Business and Administration from the Czech University of Life Science Prague.
Balkan Security Network (BSN), Belgrade, Serbia
Phone: +381 (0) 11 3620784
Email: steve@bio.bg.ac.rs
Prof. Steve A. Quarrie is Head of Education and Training of Balkan Security Network. He is one of their key trainers for courses on aspects of proposal writing, especially for Horizon 2020 projects. Prof. Quarrie is also guest professor at Belgrade University teaching a range of general research skills to PhD students at the Faculty of Biology.
The Romanian Association of Rural and Agri-Food Economy “Virgil Madgearu”, Romania
Phone: +40213182411
Email: florian_violeta@yahoo.com
Violeta Florian, PhD in economics, is the President of the Romanian Association of Rural and Agri-food Economy “Virgil Madgearu”. She has a 31-year career of research in the rural socioeconomic sciences, is head of the department of Rural Economy and Sociology of the Institute of Agricultural Economics, Bucharest, and coordinates projects in agriculture and in the field of rural development.
The Federation of German Food and Drink Industries (BVE), Germany
Phone: +49 030 200786-143
Email: slehmann@bve-online.de
Stefanie Lehmann is Manager at BVE and responsible for the working-fields business cycles and statistics, economic and consumer policy, foreign trade policy, market research and product testing. From the educational background she holds a diploma in International Economics from the Eberhard-Karls Universität Tübingen.
Federazione Italiana dell`Industria Alimentare
Phone: +39 06 59 03 347
Email: spes-adm@federalimentare.it
Maurizio Notarfonso is EU research project manager, specialized in financial, communication and technology transfer activities for several EC funded projects. He is responsible for the daily coordination of EU SPES Federations relationships (grouping of 13 EU National Food & Drink Federations) and for the secretariat of National Technology Platform Food For Life Italy.